Senator Martins Meets WITH Local Officials to Discuss Water Remediation Efforts in Roslyn Estates

Jack M. Martins

March 5, 2014

     Senator Jack Martins (R-Mineola) recently met with state and local officials to discuss the ongoing water remediation efforts in the Village. 

     Senator Martins continues to work with community officials in getting proper remediation of one of the Roslyn Water District’s wells with as minimal impact as possible on Roslyn Estates residents. Senator Martins is supporting efforts to construct an air stripper, which is needed to address Freon contamination in one of the Roslyn Water District’s wells, at Christopher Morely Park.  Building the air stripper at the park, rather than at Diana’s Trail well in the middle of a residential area, will help maintain residents’ quality of life. 

     Senator Martins (left) is pictured at the meeting with Roslyn Estates Mayor Jeffrey Schwartzberg (center) and Nassau County Legislator Rich Nicolello (right).