Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace Announces Data Breach
John J. Flanagan
March 7, 2014
- Consumer Protection

Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace has announced that it has become the latest in a long line of companies which has had their customers’ credit data breached. The breach affects an unknown number of credit and debit card customers in three stores (Smithtown, East Meadow and Port Washington) who shopped there between late January and the end of February.
If you see suspicious charges on your credit statement, report them to your credit card company immediately. Uncle Giuseppe’s Marketplace has set up a customer service line which can be reached at 516-420-0126 ext. 111. Customers can also email the company at Heatherh@uncleg.com.
Please make sure to take the necessary steps to protect your credit information and your identity.
Link to Uncle Giuseppe's Marketplace:http://www.uncleg.com/userfiles/file/breach2014_forweb_final.pdf
Link to Patch article about the issue: http://smithtown.patch.com/groups/business-news/p/uncle-giuseppes-warns-of-credit-card-breach_c4d5759a