Senator Serrano Celebrates Earth Day!

José M. Serrano

April 22, 2014

(New York, NY) - Senator José M. Serrano is encouraging all New Yorkers to celebrate Earth Day, today, April 22nd. Earth Day is a global celebration of our environment, where over a billion people in 190 countries focus on creating a greener earth and giving back to our planet. Serrano urges all New Yorkers to participate by taking steps to protect and create a more sustainable environment for generations to come.

"I invite all New Yorkers to participate in today's Earth Day celebration. Let's make it a point to take some time out of our busy schedules and show our appreciation for Mother Earth. Instead of cutting a slice of cake to celebrate, let’s cut down our reliance on electricity. Instead of blowing out candles, let’s leave them lit while we turn off our lights in order to save energy and reduce our environmental footprint. Making minor changes even for just one day can create a cleaner, healthier environment for ourselves, our neighbors and future generations to come."

In honor of Earth Day, Senator Serrano sponsored a poster contest where he encouraged elementary school students from all over the 29th Senate District to create a poster encouraging others to participate. Serrano is proud to announce that the winner of this contest is Amaris Vargas, a 4th grade student from the Sacred Heart School located in the Highbridge section of the Bronx. Congratulations and thank you to all the students, parents and teachers that participated in this year's Earth Day poster contest. Not only have you created outstanding works of art, but helped spread the message of environmental protection. To view the winning entry and all of the contributions for this year's contest, CLICK HERE. 

Senator Serrano is a staunch advocate for environmental issues. He has sponsored an annual Senate resolution in honor of Earth Hour since 2008, and has actively encouraged all New Yorkers to participate. Serrano has also been a vocal proponent of our beloved New York State Parks and is an active opponent of the  dangerous practice of hydrofracking. He sits on the Senate's Committee for Environmental Conservation and is the Ranking Member of the Senate's Committee on Cultural Affairs, Tourism, Parks & Recreation. 

