Senator Kathy Marchione reacts to Governor Cuomo’s 2014-15 Executive Budget, asks “How will we pay for it?”

Kathleen A. Marchione

January 21, 2014

For Immediate Release: January 21, 2014

Contact: Josh Fitzpatrick, (518) 455-2381,

Cell: (518) 542-2413,  

Follow Senator Marchione on Twitter: @Kathymarchione, find Senator Marchione on Facebook


Senator Kathy Marchione reacts to Governor Cuomo’s

2014-15 Executive Budget, asks “How will we pay for it?”


Statement from Senator Kathleen A. Marchione (R,C-Halfmoon)

regarding Governor Cuomo’s 2014-15 Executive Budget:


“I listened closely to the spending plan Governor Cuomo outlined today and will carefully review the details in the coming days with my Senate colleagues. One big – and very important – question I have is this: How will we pay for it all? It seemed like a lot of spending with little mentioned on addressing long-term cost drivers such as unfunded State mandates or keeping Albany’s long-broken promises to school districts.


I have concerns about all the proposed spending and billions in proposed new borrowing that taxpayers will ultimately pay for. I strongly oppose spending millions on welfare for politicians in the form of taxpayer-financed political campaigns.


I like the idea of freezing property taxes, but the proposal seems to put even more burdens, more strings, on local governments. I would rather we take concrete steps to cut property taxes for all homeowners. Tax relief for everyone is what New York needs.


I agree that the Common Core State Standards were enacted through a terribly flawed process and that we need to end the anxiety students, parents and teachers face. However, I don’t think the Governor’s proposal to halt certain testing goes nearly far enough. Frankly, it doesn’t address the many serious problems with Common Core.


Universal Pre-K statewide is a nice idea, but how do we pay for it? Our state hasn’t kept its promise to school districts in addressing the Gap Elimination Adjustment – and some schools in my district can’t even afford to offer full-day kindergarten.


I am concerned about the lack of details regarding unfunded mandate relief, which are the true cost drivers for local governments and a big reason why property taxes remain so high despite a property tax cap. As the State Budget process unfolds, I remain hopeful that we can address these unresolved issues and adopt a budget that is fiscally responsible and on-time.”
