Senator Lee Zeldin to Vote Against Regents Re-election

Lee M. Zeldin

March 11, 2014

For Immediate Release

Contact: Kara Cumoletti (518) 455-3570

Senator Lee Zeldin to Vote Against Regents Re-election

Senator Lee Zeldin (R, C, I—Shirley) just released the following statement regarding the vote to re-elect three members of the New York State Board of Regents:   

“The Board of Regents has played a direct role in the implementation of the Common Core—a process which has been an absolute disaster. The Regents are expressly charged with supervising our State’s education system and their failure to address the myriad of problems with the Common Core has unequivocally jeopardized the overall quality of our children’s education.

After hearing from countless parents, educators and students, it is clear that the current status quo is unacceptable. Therefore I cannot, in good conscious, vote to re-elect these incumbents. I hope that the Regents hear this message loud and clear: it is time to stop the Common Core—for the good of our educators, our school communities and our children.”

Four of the seventeen Board of Regents seats have come up for re-election, but one Regent, representing the Albany area, resigned ahead of the vote that was held today during a joint Legislative Session of the Senate and the Assembly.
