Senator Grisanti Sends Request to Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos in support of the “Education Investment Tax Credit”

Mark Grisanti

January 17, 2014

BUFFALO, NY – Senator Mark Grisanti (R, I-60) today sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Dean Skelos requesting that Senate Bill S4099, better known as the “Education Investment Tax Credit,” be included in the 2014-2015 state budget.Recently, Bishop Malone made the unfortunate announcement that 10 Catholic Schools in the Western New York area will be permanently closing at the end of the current school year, displacing 1,154 students (K-8) and 195 faculty and staff.Senators Grisanti, Patrick Gallivan and George Maziarz are the Western New York Senators co-sponsoring this measure, which previously passed the Senate in 2011 and 2012, with no action being taken on the legislation by the Assembly.In the letter to Majority Leader Dean Skelos, Grisanti said, ”Catholic and other schools in Western New York and throughout the state are under tremendous financial pressure not for lack of desire or demand, but due to low-income and middle class families that are losing the financial struggle to provide this needed educational opportunity for their children.”