Senators Maziarz, Grisanti Release Joint Letter In Support Of Keeping St. Francis of Assisi School Open

Mark Grisanti

February 12, 2014

Today, Senator George Maziarz and Senator Mark Grisanti released a joint letter in support of keeping St. Francis of Assisi open to The Most Reverend Carlo Maria Viganò , the Apostolic Nuncio to the United States.


In the letter, the Senators said in part:


"We hope that you will give this matter your utmost attention.  St. Francis of Assisi School deserves to remain open for many reasons, not the least of which are increased enrollment, a robust endowment, relatively low tuition costs, unique service to a key geographic area, and widespread community and family support.  In sum, we fear the decision to close this school is short-sighted and will leave few options for local residents to provide for a quality Catholic education for their children. "