Senator Mike Nozzolio Highlights Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Michael F. Nozzolio

September 30, 2014


In recognition of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, State Senator Mike Nozzolio is encouraging women to contact their health care providers to receive regular screenings for breast cancer. 

"Breast cancer is more treatable the earlier it is detected,” said Senator Nozzolio. “I hope that this month especially, women will take the time to discuss screening options with their doctors.”

Breast cancer is the most common cancer among American women, except for skin cancers. About 1 in 8 (12%) women in the United States will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. Each year, 200,000 women and nearly 2,000 men are diagnosed with breast cancer in our country. The disease sadly claims the lives of 40,000 Americans annually. Regular screenings and early detection greatly increases an individual’s chance of recovery from the disease.

Because of the importance of breast cancer awareness, Senator Nozzolio has supported numerous efforts to help encourage early detection and regular screening. Senator Nozzolio worked to establish the digital mammography unit at Auburn Memorial Hospital and was instrumental in enacting legislation to allow New York State residents to designate a portion of their State income tax refund for breast cancer screening and research. These efforts have raised over $5 million dollars.

Additionally, Senator Nozzolio has supported legislation requiring more information be made available to women to increase awareness of the presence of dense breast tissue found during a mammography exam. Dense breast tissue can make it more difficult to detect tumors.

 Senator Nozzolio said, “This law has helped save women’s lives by increasing their awareness of a known breast cancer risk factor. Along with routine breast cancer screenings, the information provided by physicians to those with dense tissue can help increase early detection of the disease and give patients a greater ability to make educated decisions about their health.”

Senator Nozzolio is also urging everyone to take advantage of the services provided by the Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester by calling 585-473-8177 or visiting their website at  The Breast Cancer Coalition of Rochester is made up of survivors, supporters, a caring staff, and a passionate community. The Coalition has helped hundreds of women (and men) in the region who have been diagnosed with breast cancer.  

“This is an invaluable service that gives critically important information about early detection, mammography, physicians, insurance and local support groups,” said Senator Nozzolio. “We must continue to educate everyone on the importance of early detection and promote breast cancer awareness. As we recognize Breast Cancer Awareness Month this October, we must reach out to our loved ones and ensure that everyone remembers to get the screening and care they need.”