Ritchie Secures $75,000 to Fight Goose Bay Weeds
Patty Ritchie
June 30, 2014

Funding Will Help Clear the Bay for Outdoor Recreation
State Senator Patty Ritchie has announced she has secured $75,000 in special funding to combat invasive weeds on Goose Bay; a top tourist and fishing destination in the North Country.
“Goose Bay is known as one of our region’s greatest natural resources, providing opportunities for tourists and local people to enjoy the great St. Lawrence River, including swimming, boating and fishing” said Senator Ritchie.
“However, invasive weeds are hampering outdoor recreation on Goose Bay. Not only that, the weeds are threatening a major ecosystem, that includes the mouth of Cranberry Creek—which is one of the St. Lawrence River’s historic spawning areas. I’m pleased to be able to secure this funding, which will help fight the weeds on Goose Bay and preserve this invaluable natural resource for many years to come.”
Eurasian Milfoyle, a non-native nuisance weed, forms dense mats of vegetation that shades out native species. The heavy weed growth disrupts the lake’s water flow, hurts water quality, and hampers boating, fishing and swimming on Goose Bay.
Senator Ritchie has worked with the Goose Bay Reclamation Corporation, a not-for-profit group composed of local residents, the Nature Conservancy, Jefferson County Legislator Phil Reed, Town of Alexandria Supervisor Dale Hunneyman and the Jefferson County Soil and Water Conservation District to find a solution to stopping the spread of weeds on Goose Bay. This year’s funding secured by Senator Ritchie builds upon $25,000 in support Senator Ritchie secured last year to combat the invasive weeds.
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