My Activities for the Month of June
Ruben Diaz
May 29, 2014
By Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz
32nd Senatorial District, Bronx County, New York
Tel. 718-991-3161
My Activities for the Month of June
You should know that during the month of June, we will be celebrating many different activities. Among these activities, I will be the main coordinator of some of them, and just a participant in others - but they are all open to the public and the whole community is invited to participate.
1st Activity: On Thursday, June 5, 2014 at 7:00 PM, we will be celebrating the Abrazo Boricua Banquet at the Eastwood Manor, located at 3371 Eastchester Road in the Bronx. This Banquet will be in honor and recognition of: The Honorable Santos Seda, Mayor of Guanica, Puerto Rico, who will be travelling to New York to participate in the National Puerto Rican Day Parade; Ms. Aida Rosario, Director of Communications for Univision Channel 41; and Mr. Hector Ramos, reporter and senior citizen advocate.
As you know, every year I conduct five different Abrazo Banquets in recognition of different communities during their respective cultural heritage months: Abrazo Garifuna is celebrated for the Garifuna community; Abrazo Bangladesh for the Bangladeshi Community; Abrazo African American for the African American Community; Abrazo Dominicana for the Dominican Community; and Abrazo Boricua for the Puerto Rican Community.
All of these Abrazos - besides being free to the public - are conducted in the language of the group, cultural foods are served, and traditional music is enjoyed during these events.
2nd Activity: On Friday, June 6, 2014 at 7:00 PM, the Assembly of Christian Churches Council will be conducting their 72nd Convention. During that night, they will be officially dedicating the event in honor of me for my efforts and for standing strong for family and traditional values. The Convention will take place at the Iglesia Roca Eterna at 840 Intervale Avenue or the corner of Southern Boulevard in Bronx County.
3rd Activity: On Saturday, June 14, 2014 at 12 noon, more than 300 churches and community organizations will be conducting the Annual Christian Children's Parade. Participating churches will be marching on 3rd Avenue from East 97th Street to East 116th Street in New York City. The Christian Children's Parade, which is presided by NYC Police Chaplain Reverend Luis Serrano, will have its reviewing stand on 3rd Avenue and 116th Street. This is where guests and dignitaries will be able to view the floats and performances of the groups and address the public.
4th Activity: On Thursday, June 19, 2014, more than 3,000 people will join me to travel to Washington, D.C. to participate in our Second Prayer Vigil in front of the Supreme Court of the nation. 75 buses have been donated by the National Organization for Marriage so our pastors, community leaders, and organizations can bring their groups to Washington. You should know that last year we took 32 buses - and this year, we already have 75 buses and we are working toward 100. This shows that we have great participation from the New York area.
We will be kneeling in prayer in front of the Supreme Court, thanking God for the great Supreme Court victory that protects the practice of public prayer at the beginning of government meetings. We will be praying for the strength and fortitude to continue to fight for family values, defend life, and promote traditional values.
Anyone interested in participating in any of these events may contact Ms. Layla Martinez at (347) 320-2986 or Ms. Samaris Gross at (347) 613-1491.
This is Senator Rev. Rubén Díaz, and this is what you should know.
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