Felder Welcomes Edward R. Murrow High School Concert Band in Albany
Simcha Felder
March 26, 2014
- Education
- New York City Education

In keeping with his commitment to increase funding and access to music and arts programs in New York City’s schools, Senator Simcha Felder (D-Brooklyn) welcomed the Edward R. Murrow High School Concert Band during their performance this week in Albany. The Edward R. Murrow High School is located in Senator Felder’s district, and is ranked as one of the top high schools in New York City.
“Hearing these remarkably talented and dedicated students perform only furthered my resolve to keep fighting for the restoration of arts and music programs in all New York City’s schools,” said Senator Felder, who serves as Chair of the New York City Education Subcommittee. “If these kids are any indication of the future of our City, and I believe they are, our City and our State has a very bright future indeed.”