Statement from State Senator Gustavo Rivera on Rent Regulation Laws
Gustavo Rivera
June 16, 2015
- Housing
"It is simply appalling that rent regulation laws were allowed to expire last night while Senate Republicans entertained a measure that had no chance of passing both houses and did not even come close to making the necessary changes to the law that New Yorkers who live in these apartment so desperately need and have been calling for. In fact, the bill proposed and passed by Senate Republicans places new obstacles and diluted the right of tenants trying to secure or maintain their homes.
The fact that the housing laws that protect millions of New Yorkers are being used as political pawns is an insult to every resident who relies on them to live and thrive in the city. I am more committed than ever to fight so that we not only extend our rent laws, but strengthen them before the end of this session.
If you are one of the New Yorkers that lives in one of the 68,400 rent regulated units in the 33rd Senate District, please keep in mind the following:
- Tenants under a current lease will retain their protections even as rent laws are expired. A landlord has no legal right to move you out. Even if your lease is up for renewal, you still have certain legal safeguards to protect you.
- If your landlord is harassing you, withholding services, or trying to exploit any lapse in the rent regulation laws to get you to leave your apartment, you should call 311 immediately.
- Tenant harassment laws are still in effect. Landlords are under no circumstances to withhold heat, hot water, or other services.
- Also, please call my District Office at (718) 933-2034 if you have any questions or concerns.
Too many New Yorkers are already rent-burdened and struggling to remain in their homes because of failed housing policies. It is simply not an option to allow our affordable housing stock to continue to be decimated and the housing security of New Yorkers threatened."
VIDEO - Senator Rivera's Session Remarks on S.5953: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gVcroN07C5g&feature=youtu.be