Reporting on Recent Developments in Education Requirements

Senator Hugh T. Farley

December 11, 2015

As a legislator, and having previously been a teacher and professor, I have been opposed to Common Core and its botched implementation.

I have heard from many concerned parents and educators, and have been advocating for revisiting - and overhauling - these requirements. 

I am pleased with two major developments that occurred this week. 

First, the U.S. Congress passed, and the President signed into law, a bill which replaces the “No Child Left Behind” law.  These changes will reduce federal mandates, help reduce high-stakes testing and help restore authority to the states and local school districts.

Second, a New York State task force has just released its recommendations which call for an overhaul of Common Core standards, testing and teacher evaluation.  You can view the report and recommendations at

I agree that major changes are needed.  We will be reviewing the Task Force’s recommendations and working to ensure that such changes and improvements are implemented by the Board of Regents and the Legislature.