Ritchie Bill Boosts Police Training to Stop Animal Cruelty

Measure Awaits Governor’s Signature After Senate OK
The State Senate today gave final legislative approval to a measure, sponsored by Senator Patty Ritchie, that boosts training for law enforcement to fight animal abuse.
“Animals don’t have a voice, and they rely on law enforcement to protect them from those who seek to hurt or put them in danger,” said Senator Ritchie, who chairs the Senate Agriculture Committee. “This bill will help ensure that police and prosecutors know the law, and the tools that are available to them every day to help prevent, detect and stop animal cruelty.”
The bill, S.5320, which already passed the Assembly, would require state agencies to work more closely together in developing police training policies and procedures related to the enforcement of animal cruelty and protection laws, and to make information about animal abuse laws more accessible to law enforcement in both written and digital formats.
Passage of the measure builds upon Senator Ritchie’s past work to prevent the abuse and mistreatment of animals. Earlier this month, the Senate passed a series of bills to protect animals, including a measure sponsored by Senator Ritchie that would double prison sentences for abusing an animal in the presence of a child.
The bill will be sent to the Governor for his signature.