Statement From State Senator Patty Ritchie on Fort Drum Announcement
Patty Ritchie
July 9, 2015
- Military Affairs
- Military
- Troops
- Veterans

Pat yourself on the back because we did it! Today’s announcement on the future of Fort Drum represents a tremendous victory for the North Country and Upstate New York.
Tens of thousands of citizens joined with leaders of government at every level—and from every corner of New York State—to rally to Fort Drum’s side. This unprecedented effort caught the attention of Army planners, and it worked.
I’ve never been more proud of the people of this community who signed petitions, wrote letters, attended rallies and spoke out for our Fort Drum. When neighbors and friends stand together, we’ve shown that we cannot be stopped.
And it doesn’t end here. As I look at the flags side-by-side in my office, representing the State of New York and Fort Drum’s 10th Mountain Division, I’m inspired by their mottos, “Ever Upward” and “Climb to Glory.”
We need to harness the ‘Save Fort Drum’ energy and excitement to continue to protect the post, as well as build momentum for ideas that can make our economy off-post stronger, and create more opportunity for the people and communities of Northern New York.
Our largest employer and the Northeastern US’s most important military installation is saved. We did it together. Congratulations, and thank you to everyone who joined this great cause.
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