Senator Rob Ortt Visits Doodle Bugs! for a Special Holiday Story

AMHERST – Senator Rob Ortt and mascot, Mr. Doodle Bug, visited Doodle Bugs! Children’s Center in West Amherst on Tuesday. During their visit, the Senator treated the preschool and pre-k classes to a special holiday story time.
Senator Ortt’s visit is part of “12 Doodle Days,” a goodwill campaign during which, each of the 12 Days features a different Doodle Bugs! location spreading holiday cheer. Faculty and children have involved children’s hospitals, US Troops, local politicians, community helpers, sports teams, and other community organizations with their efforts.
During the 12 Days of Celebration, Doodle Bugs! centers:
• Baked cookies for the local fire and police departments
• Made and sent holiday cards to U.S. troops
• Sponsored a CDS Monarch Family in Need by purchasing Christmas gifts for the family’s children
• Collected and donated hundreds of toys to Toys for Tots
• Performed a festive sing-along for Peregrine Assisted Living in Orchard Park
• Made and delivered fleece blankets to Women and Children’s Hospital
• Were surprised by a magical snowfall at the Lake Worth, Florida location
• Treated parents and caregivers to free Tim Hortons coffee during morning drop-off
This campaign is all about showing appreciation. The shared sense of joy and accomplishment from this initiative is a wonderful way for kids at Doodle Bugs! to learn the importance of gratitude and kindness.