Senator Robert Ortt to Participate in Homeless Sleepout Event
Robert G. Ortt
February 4, 2015
State Senator Robert Ortt (R,C,I-North Tonawanda) will experience what it’s like to be homeless by spending part of the night outside for the Jerry Starr Ken-Ton Schools Sleepout event.
In an effort to raise awareness and money for the homeless and those in need, Sen. Ortt will join community and church groups and dozens of teachers, parents and students from the Ken-Ton School District as they sleep in cardboard boxes in the Hoover Middle School parking lot at 249 Thorncliff Rd. in the Town of Tonawanda on Friday, Feb. 6 from 8 p.m. to 6 a.m.
“It’s important we remember the many individuals who do not have a roof over their heads,” said Sen. Ortt. “For the less fortunate, living outside in the elements is something they deal with every day. The least we could do is shine light on the issue and help to eradicate homelessness in Western New York.”
Donations of cash, food, clothing and other items will benefit the needy in the community.
Organizers say about 60-75 people are expected to participate.