Consolidation study in Patterson receives states funding
December 10, 2015

PATTERSON, NY - The winners of the State's so-called "Hunger Games" competition for funding were revealed today, with several projects in Senator Terrence Murphy's 40th senate district qualifying for funding. Senator Murphy announced the town of Patterson will receive a $22,500 grant from the Department of State to stud the consolidation of fire protection services.
"We want to provide the best possible services at a price taxpayers can afford, and in some instances, our myriad special districts can achieve cost-savings through consolidation," Senator Murphy said. "This study will culminate in a series of recommendations to either consolidate, or means and methods for sharing equipment and services. Either way, the result will be a more efficiently operated fire service and reduced costs for Patterson taxpayers."
Fire protection services for the town of Patterson are provided by two separate volunteer fire departments. According to the grant's consolidated funding application, this has led to a duplication of equipment, services, and costs. The grant funding will go to hire a consultant to produce a study that analyzes the existing pumper trucks, ladder trucks and other equipment, staffing and methods of operations.
Patterson Supervisor-elect Richard Williams said, "At present town residents are paying over $1.5 million for two fire services. Thanks to Senator Murphy, the town can now afford to undertake a study to assess the consolidation or sharing of services between the two departments as a means of reducing costs, and these savings can be used to invest in Patterson's bravest who volunteer to keep our town safe each and every day."
While Murphy has been a critic of the overall process, he fought to help projects submitted by the Mid-Hudson Regional Economic Development Council achieve success. "While I disagree with picking winners and losers and many worthwile projects in my district that missed out must be fully-funded next year, there is no question that the town of Patterson was the best possible choice for this funding."