New report reveals ISIS has targeted US refugee program
December 7, 2015

NEW YORK, NY - In a bombshell speech at the National Defense University, U.S. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), who serves as the Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, disclosed that members of ISIS have attempted to gain access to the United States through the American refugee program.
"Congressman McCaul has confirmed exactly what we feared," New York State Senator Terrence Murphy said. "This revelation proves at this point in time that we cannot count on the federal government to ensure those fleeing persecution to our nation are not wolves in sheep's clothing."
Last week, Senator Murphy introduced legislation which would allow New York to create its own mechanism to assist with vetting and monitoring individuals relocated within the state's borders under the refugee program.
Senate Bill S6253, which has the support of several lawmakers throughout the stateincluding Senator Tom Croci, chairman of the Senate Committee on Veterans, Homeland Security and Military Affairs, would establish protocols for volunteer agencies to finger-print and track refugees who are settled here, and establish enforcement and penalties for those that fail to comply.
"We cannot allow our kindness to be perceived as a weakness," Senator Murphy continued. "New York has always symbolized the land of opportunity and we are now being challenged to keep it as such. I urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle, and in both houses of the legislature, to take up this crucial piece of legislation which will allow New York to continue to provide the needed humanitarian relief while protecting our families from intentional harm."
Under federal current law, not-for-profits known as "voluntary agencies" work with the federal government to resettle refugee applicants.
The state's Bureau of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance (BRIA) is only made aware of such resettlements when the refugee applies for assistance programs that are administered by the state, and no security checks are performed, Murphy said. Under the legislation proposed by the New York State Senators:
- Not-for-profit voluntary agencies are required to provide monthly reports to the BRIA on the number of refugees resettled in New York, their age group, and country of origin;
- the BRIA is required to notify refugees of the requirement to register within 30 days, and take fingerprints from all registrants;t
- the Office of New Americans is tasked with performing background screenings on all registrants; and
- the Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services will monitor all refugees admitted for potential terroristic activity until they are granted a green card by the federal government.
According to The Hill, the Obama administration has yet to comment on Rep. McCaul's statements.