George Amedore

July 15, 2016

Senator George Amedore today announced he has designated the Town of Greenville to receive a capital grant in the amount of $50,000 to make much needed repairs and renovations to Prevost Hall, the former Presbyterian Church, in order to allow for its use as a multi-purpose community center.  


“Every community needs community spaces where people of all ages can gather for different activities,” said Senator George Amedore. “This site, which is has played an important role in the history of the Town of Greenville, is the perfect location but there are many renovations that need to be done to the aging building. I was glad to work with Supervisor Macko to secure this funding for this project that has the potential to benefit every member of the community.”


“These funds are helping us jumpstart this project that will help make Prevost Hall into a community center. These funds will be used for restoration and protection of the historic stained glass windows, and we’ll continue to raise funds for other aspects of the project,” said Greenville Town Supervisor Paul Macko.


The building, which is on the national register of historic sites, has played a significant role in the history of the Town, beginning with the donation of the land by Major Augustine Prevost in 1767. The original church, built in 1800, was destroyed by fire and rebuilt in 1860. The Town acquired the building in 2003.


The need for a multi-purpose community center was identified in the Town of Greenville Comprehensive Plan, adopted in 2008. The plan encouraged a space that could support programming for all ages. A community center in this location would be an ideal meeting place for Greenville’s senior citizens, an after-hours center for children and family activities and summer programs for children, and a space to host cultural and community events. In addition,  the center could serve as an access spot for internet, since so many residents do not have access to internet and broadband in their homes.


The monies secured by Senator Amedore will be used to begin the renovations necessary in order to use the space, including the shoring up of the foundation and the restoration of the stained-glass windows.

