STATEMENT FROM SENATOR GEORGE AMEDORE - On Passage of 2016-17 State Budget

George Amedore

April 1, 2016

The newly enacted state budget accomplishes a lot of good things for New Yorkers. A record investment in our public schools will help our children and teachers, and the GEA, which has stripped our schools of much-needed funding for far too long, is finally eliminated in its entirety. The largest income tax cut in years will put more money in the pocket of middle class families and seniors, and a strong investment in infrastructure will give municipalities the resources to repair and maintain the crumbling roads and bridges that have been neglected in too many upstate communities.  

We did accomplish many good things in this budget but I find it shameful that the Governor chose to hold our children’s education hostage in order to push through a political wedge issue, and I am glad we were successful in minimizing the damage that could have been done by the original wage proposal.  

