Senator Martins Congratulates Port Washington’s Small Businessperson of the Year

Jack M. Martins

October 24, 2016

Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) recently congratulated Port Washington Chamber of Commerce member Laurie Scheinman on being named 2016 Small Businessperson of the Year.  Senator Martins joined with the Chamber in honoring Mrs. Scheinman at the Nassau Council of Chambers of Commerce’s 32nd annual Small Businessperson of the Year ceremony.
Mrs. Scheinman is the owner of Wit & Whim, a philanthropic gift boutique offering a collection of modern, vintage handmade and Americana goods.  100 percent of the business' profits are donated to charity.  She also worked as a child and family therapist for nearly 30 years. 
Senator Martins (left) and Village of Flower Hill Mayor Elaine Phillips (right) are pictured with Laurie Scheinman, the Port Washington Chamber of Commerce’s 2016 Small Businessperson of the Year.