Senator Martins Honored at Spectrum Designs’ “Night in White” in Port Washington

Jack M. Martins

August 15, 2016

               Senator Jack M. Martins (R-7th Senate District) was recently honored by Spectrum Designs Foundation at their annual “Night in White” event in Port Washington.   The event raises funds to support the programs and services they provide to individuals with autism.

            Senator Martins was recognized for his long support of Spectrum Designs Foundation, its partner organization The Nicholas Center for Autism, and individuals with autism.  

            Spectrum Designs Foundation is a non-profit organization that provides job training, gainful employment and meaningful work opportunities to individuals with autism, a group that faces a 90 percent unemployment rate.  Currently, the Foundation serves over 40 families affected by autism.

            Senator Martins is pictured with Spectrum Designs Foundation and Nicholas Center Co-Founder Stella Spanakos at the “Night in White” event.