Sanders Co-Sponsors Transit Safety Bill That Passes Senate

James Sanders Jr.

June 10, 2016

State Senator James Sanders Jr. (D-Rochdale) co-sponsored a bill (S4550A), which passed the senate yesterday by a vote of 59-1, to better protect the safety of transit workers. The legislation was introduced by Senator Kevin Parker (D-Brooklyn).

It amends the penal code to include within the Class D felony of assault in the second degree intentionally causing a physical injury to a station cleaner or terminal cleaner employed by a mass transit company such as the MTA, while the cleaner is on duty.

These workers are often on the job late at night when stations are empty. They have increasingly been targeted by criminals, according to news reports, becoming the victims of gang attacks and other violent crimes.

“Station and terminal cleaners are vital to the function of our mass transit system," Sanders said. “They deserve to work in a safe environment, free from the fear of being attacked. I commend my senate colleagues for taking action to protect the well being of these hardworking New Yorkers.”

Violent Class D felonies in New York are punishable by up to seven years in prison. Other crimes included in this classification are sexual abuse, stalking, criminal possession of a weapon and menacing a police officer.

A companion bill (A10048A) has been introduced in the Assembly by Assembly Member Diana Richardson (D-Brooklyn). If it passes, it will go on to the Governor to be signed into law.