BRONX, NYState Senator Jeff Klein (D-Bronx/Westchester)  and Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj (D-Bronx) held the Stand Up to Violence Second Anniversary Peace March and Rally on Thursday. Members of the community gathered to celebrate the success of the SUV program and to rally against gun violence. The SUV Peace March began at the Pelham Parkway Houses and concluded at East 229th Street and White Plains Road.

“Today we celebrate the work of SUV, which has made a significant impact on gun and gang violence and reduced the incidence of shootings in targeted areas by approximately 46 percent.  I am proud to have allocated $1.6 million over the past few years to Stand Up to Violence, which currently operates in the 43rd, 47th, and 49th precincts.  This cutting edge program carries out a very important mission each and every day to help eliminate gang activity that tears apart young lives and results in senseless gun violence.  We must continue the fight to keep our streets safe for children and families,” said Senator Klein.

“This is another milestone for the Stand Up Against Violence movement. In the past two years the community has shown the power of unity and demonstrating a strong sense of intolerance for gun violence. There is still much to do, but we have come a long way. I commend Senator Klein, the 49th precinct and HHC for keeping the this initiative and well,” said Assemblyman Mark Gjonaj.

“For two years since our inception, we have witnessed a major reduction in gun violence  in our community.  This in part is because of the dedication of our Jacobi Stand Up to Violence team We’re grateful for Senator Jeff Klein, whose vision and foresight in support of a safer community has paved the way for this successful endeavor. We look forward to continuing in spreading the message of "Guns down, Life up" and being the epitome of  ‘we can NO longer STAND BY, but rather STAND UP to the gun violence that plagues our community,’” said Pastor Jay Gooding, Stand Up to Violence Director of Community Outreach.

Senator Klein has allocated $1.6 million to the successful SUV program. This unique violence prevention program deploys ‘violence interrupters’ to mediate conflict in the community and helps high-risk individuals in targeted, high-crime areas.  As a result, shooting incidents declined by 46 percent overall within the 43rd, 47th, and 49th Precincts.

For more information on SUV, please call (718) 822-2049.