Senator Bonacic Announces $50,000 Grant to the Town of Shawangunk for Improvements to its Police Building

John J. Bonacic

January 22, 2016

(Middletown, NY)- Senator John J. Bonacic (R/C/I-Mt. Hope) is pleased to announce that he has secured a $50,000 grant, through the State Municipal Grant Program, for the Town of Shawangunk to make much needed improvements to its police building. The current roof has significant leaks and icing problems in the winter. The funding will help the Town complete the construction, and drastically improve energy efficiency, and provide much needed moisture protection.

“The men and women of the Town of Shawangunk Police Department should not have to contend with a leaking roof, and icing issues on an everyday basis,” said Senator Bonacic. “The money will help alleviate those concerns, and allow the police department to continue to fulfill its mission of serving the public, while saving taxpayer money”

Said Town of Shawangunk Supervisor John Valk, "Our police station was converted 26 years ago from an automobile repair shop with a roof that leaks when the ice builds up and looks like a roof on a chicken house.  We plan to install a more architecturally designed roof.  This will not only solve the leaking but make the building more attractive to drivers passing buy.  It is with much appreciation that we accept this grant and extend our thanks to Senator Bonacic.