Senator Nozzolio Reminds Constituents of Two New York State Veteran Medals

Michael F. Nozzolio

February 29, 2016

New York State Senator Mike Nozzolio is once again reminding citizens of the two distinguished military honors that New York State awards to residents of our State who served our Nation and were honorably discharged from the United States Military.  


The Medal for Merit is awarded to any current New York State citizen who was a New York State citizen while serving on federal active duty or any non-New York State citizen who is an active member in the New York Guard and who served federal active duty with honor.


The Conspicuous Service Cross is awarded to honorably discharged, New York State residents who received a personal decoration issued by a brigade or higher. Also included will be those who were prisoners of war, served at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, participated in the Normandy D-Day invasion, or have been declared as killed or missing in action.


“We have no greater obligation than to honor and thank our veterans for their service to our Nation, whether in times of peace or in times of war,” said Senator Nozzolio. “Just as our veterans recognized their duty to honor and serve their Country, we too must recognize our duty as Americans to honor the profound sacrifices they made so that we could live our lives in freedom.” 

For questions about New York State Military Awards, please visit the Division of Military and Naval Affairs’ website at or call Senator Nozzolio’s office at 315-568-9816.