Senator Gallivan Sponsors Fire & EMS Recruitment

Jim Ranney

April 11, 2016

Senator Patrick M. Gallivan (R-C-I, Elma) is teaming up with the Wyoming County Office of Emergency Services to sponsor a volunteer firefighter and EMS recruitment drive.  Fire and EMS agencies throughout Wyoming County and New York State will hold open houses on April 23 and 24 as part of RecruitNY, a campaign to encourage residents to join the ranks of volunteers. 

“We are fortunate to have dedicated men and women serving our communities as firefighters and EMS personnel, but we need to make sure we bring in new recruits to answer the call,” Gallivan said.  “Being a volunteer is a rewarding experience and a wonderful way to help your neighbors in a time of need.  I encourage everyone to visit their local fire hall to find how to get involved.”

According to the Firemen’s Association of the State of New York, a nonprofit organization that supporters firefighters, there are over 100,000 volunteer firefighters statewide.  That’s down from 120,000 in the early 1990’s. 

The recently adopted state budget includes $250,000 to promote and support recruitment of volunteers.

For more information on recruitment weekend, contact Wyoming County Emergency Management at 585-786-8867.


