Funke: D.A. Killers Should Face Automatic First Degree Murder Charge

Rich Funke

March 30, 2016

The New York State Senate today passed S.2711, a bill sponsored by Senator Rich Funke to create a new first degree murder charge for the intentional killing of a prosecutor or district attorney. The legislation would put prosecutors in parity with police officers, corrections officers, and judges, whose killers are automatically eligible for a charge of murder in the first degree. The bill passed with bipartisan support. 

"Prosecutors act as one of the last lines of defense in our criminal justice system and play a big role in putting offenders behind bars to keep our streets and families safe," said Funke"Because they are sworn officers of the law, prosecutors deserve the same protections from those who would seek to harm them that police officers, corrections officers and judges rightfully have now. I'm grateful our bill passed with bipartisan support and I thank our local prosecutors, including Monroe DA Sandra Doorley, for the work their offices do to crack down on crime here every day."

Existing penal law contains the automatic offense of murder in the first degree for the intentional killing of a police officer, correctional facility employee, judge, firefighter, emergency medical technician, ambulance driver, paramedic, physician, and registered nurse. However, the killing of a prosecutor or D.A. is not currently covered under the same chare in New York State. In many cases involving the murder of a prosecutor or district attorney, the victims had been targeted by criminals they helped to put in jail or were attempting to put in jail.

"It is difficult to comprehend the need for legislation such as this but as a law enforcement official serving our community, it is unfortunately necessary. Each day we are tasked with making sure that the most violent and dangerous offenders are taken off our streets. This type of legislation may act as a deterrent for those who consider retribution, " said Monroe County District Attorney Sandra Doorley"The climate for law enforcement officials, whether it be on the front lines or in the courts, has become more dangerous. We need laws such as this to attract hardworking and devoted citizens to these professions. I commend the New York State Senate for acting on the bill and assisting us in providing a safer environment in which to serve our community."

This bill has been sent to the Assembly.

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