Senator Larkin Announces Another Round Of Funding For The City Of Newburgh Police Department

William Larkin

October 5, 2016

Senator Bill Larkin (R, C, I - 39th District) today announced another round of state funding being directed to help the City of Newburgh Police Department. The funding is part of a state grant that Senator Larkin secured during the 2016 Legislative Session.

“Now more than ever the state needs to step up and help support the City of Newburgh and its police department and officers,” said Senator Larkin. “I am pleased that I could do my part in securing these crucial funds that will help provide our officers with the tools they need to make our city streets safer.”

The grant funding will be used to:


·         Acquire Five Taser X26P CEW class III lasers and five Taser Tactical Performance Power Magazines to be used in patrol operations;


·         Purchase Adobe Pro video enhancement software to be used by detectives to enhance the quality of both civilian and police street surveillance camera videos;


·          Purchase and install a keyless electronic access door for the rear entrance of the Police Department to enhance building security; 


·         Purchase four VISTA HD/extended version wearable body cameras to continue building the body worn camera program; and


·         Buy an Ogura HRS-946 power door spreader and a Broco DRS-14 rescue saw blade for use by tactical team.


“By shepherding greater resources from the state, we can provide the officers who patrol our streets with the resources they need to make Newburgh’s neighborhoods a safer places to live for children and families,”  concluded Larkin.