Jacobs Passes Fee Exemptions for Veterans & Active Duty
Senator Jacobs
May 23, 2017
(Albany, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (60th SD) announced the passage today of a bill he sponsored (S4494) that will waive fees for veterans and active duty personnel who purchase distinctive military license plates.
“Veterans of our armed forces and the brave men and women currently serving and protecting our country should be allowed to commemorate that service without additional financial sacrifice,” Senator Jacobs said. “In recognition and appreciation of their service, my bill eliminates the one-time service fee and the annual registration fee associated with customized military distinctive license plates,” the Senator added.
Currently, the fee for distinctive veteran’s plates is $38.75. Personalizing such plates cost $70.00, and renewing them costs $31.25 annually. Under the Jacobs bill, the one-time $10.00 service fee is waived, reducing the cost of the military distinctive plate to $28.75. Waiver of this fee would also reduce the personalization cost from $70.00 to $60.00. Additionally, a savings of $31.25 would be realized each year by waiving the annual registration fee for personalized plates. A companion bill is currently in the Assembly Transportation Committee.
The New York State Department of Motor Vehicles currently offers distinctive military plates that are customized by branches of service, military and veteran communities, wars and battles participated in and medals and awards that have been bestowed. A complete list of plates available can be found on the Department of Motor Vehicles website at https://dmv.ny.gov/custom-plates/military-and-veterans.
“Oftentimes there are financial sacrifices that come with military service, and we should not compound those hardships with fees on those citizens who have forgone so much in service to their country,” Senator Jacobs concluded.