Jacobs Votes To Allow Ridesharing Outside Of New York City

Senator Jacobs

February 6, 2017

Albany, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (SD-60) today voted in favor of Senate Bill S4159, which will allow ridesharing companies like Uber and Lyft to operate in Western New York. Jacobs, a co-sponsor of the bill, has been a vocal proponent of ridesharing in Buffalo and Western New York.

“I was proud to co-sponsor and vote in favor of this legislation which will provide Western New Yorkers with a transportation alternative that will create jobs and increase safety on our roads,” said Senator Chris Jacobs.

The bill provides the framework for ridesharing companies to expand operations outside of New York City and enable new jobs to be created by offering safer, reliable transportation options to residents outside of New York City.

Additionally, the Senate bill differs from the Executive Budget proposal by significantly cutting the taxes to be paid by rideshare customers to make it more attractive for businesses to operate here. While the Executive Budget includes a tax of 5.5 percent on rides that begin outside of New York City, the Senate’s measure cuts that tax to 2 percent and does not subject rides to the 4 percent state sales tax. That new revenue would go directly towards infrastructure improvements for roads, bridges, and county transit needs.

“The State Senate has voted to allow ridesharing outside of New York City and the Governor has publicly voiced his support for the same. It’s time for the State Assembly to listen to the people of Western New York and the entire state and pass this legislation as quickly as possible to make ridesharing a reality,” concluded Jacobs.


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