Sen. Fred Akshar Releases 2017 Community Voice Survey
January 18, 2017
- Community Voice Survey

Senator Fred Akshar this week released his latest Community Voice Survey online and via mail to poll the community on various issues facing constituents across the 52nd Senate District.
(Click here to take the Community Voice Survey Now)
“Throughout my first year at my new job, I've tried to be as open and accessible as possible,” said Senator Fred Akshar. “I've traveled across the 52nd Senate District and listened to as many folks as I could. The only way for us to be successful as a community is if our elected officials listen.”
Next week, nearly 70,000 households across the 52nd District will be receiving the survey in the mail, which can also be returned via mail after completion. Any resident who hasn't received the survey can also complete it online at Akshar.NYSenate.Gov.
Survey questions cover a wide array of topics, from Workers' Compensation reform to reclassifying crimes that target police, firefighters and other emergency services workers as hate crimes. Other subjects cover Governor Cuomo's recent proposals, including decriminalizing small amounts of recreational marijuana, providing free college tuition for students of families making $125,000/year or less, tuition assistance for undocumented immigrants, doubling the Child Care Tax credit, and raising the age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18 years of age, so those under 18 cannot be tried as adults unless the crime involves serious violence.
“I've learned a lot during my first year and I'm proud of the work we started, but in order to properly represent the people of our community, I have to continually seek input from across the 52nd District,” said Akshar.
Last year, Akshar distributed his first Community Voice Survey throughout his district. Responses were also collected via mail and his website. Over 5,000 digital and physical responses were received from local constituents weighing in on issues ranging from the state business climate, the heroin epidemic and ethics reforms.
“Surveys like this help me craft my legislative agenda and make sure the people of the Southern Tier are provided a loud voice for their opinions in Albany,” said Akshar.
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