Statement From Senator Krueger On Guilty Plea From Landlord Steven Croman

New York – State Senator Liz Krueger released the following statement today following the guilty plea of Manhattan landlord Steven Croman for mortgage and tax fraud:

"Too many tenants in Manhattan know firsthand the kind of landlord Steven Croman is. Today I hope they can feel some sense of vindication and relief knowing that Croman is going to pay a price for his crimes against the people of this city. Attorney General Schneiderman has again proven himself to be a champion for tenants by pursuing this case and a parallel civil suit for tenant harassment.

"But while we celebrate today's victory, it is important to note that current laws prevent the Attorney General and local district attorneys from bringing the full force of criminal prosecution against unscrupulous landlords like Croman. As it stands now, the bar for proving criminal harassment of tenants is so high that no one has ever been successfully prosecuted. For too long tenants have had no recourse as their landlords try to drive them out of their homes. That's why it is vital that we pass the Attorney General's Tenant Protection Act, which I carry in the Senate. I urge my colleagues in the Legislature to move this bill and send it to the Governor's desk, and give New York tenants a fighting chance."

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