Dilan, Senate Democrats Call For Real Action On Raise The Age
February 13, 2017
- Raise the Age
Senator Martin Malavé Dilan and Senate Democratic Conference colleagues today demanded real action to raise the age of criminal responsibility for non-violent, youth offenders. The Senate Democrats have led the fight to Raise The Age since 2012 when legislation was first introduced to address this crisis. Under the Senate Democratic proposal 16- and 17-year-olds who commit non-violent crimes would be held to an age-appropriate level of responsibility which would ensure that children are not housed in the same correctional facilities as adults. This version of Raise the Age is the only version that will actually move our state forward and protect our children.
Senator Martin Malavé Dilan said, “I cannot think of a single argument against raising the age of criminal responsibility in New York. It doesn’t serve as a deterrent. It has no regard for the offense. It contradicts every principle that seeks to move our criminal justice system toward rehabilitation and away from punishment, principles that came about in the 18th century. Our best hope to correct behavior lies with our youngest offenders, and that hope is lost when we automatically sentence them to prison. It has to stop.”
The Senate Democrats understand that incarcerating youth-offenders and treating them as hardened criminals will often lead to a vicious cycle in which these New Yorkers will likely never be able to become productive members of society. Youth housed in adult facilities are at considerably higher risk of being injured and/or sexually assaulted and are much more likely to commit suicide. The Senate Democratic bill to Raise The Age, would reduce recidivism and would likely save the state over $100 million per year.