Senator Dilan Named to Newly Formed Democratic Conference MWBE Task Force
March 2, 2017
Today, Senator Martin Malavé Dilan (D-Brooklyn) was named to the Senate Democratic Conference’s newly formed Task Force on Minority and Women-owned Business Enterprise (MWBE).
The Senate Democratic Conference MWBE Task Force’s goals are to develop legislative solutions to improve New York State’s MWBE policies, provide oversight and analysis of the State’s current MWBE policies and provide public reports outlining different issues regarding MWBEs.
“I’ll always welcome the opportunity to explore, create and advocate for more and greater opportunities for our minority and women-owned enterprises. It’s an honor to be named to the Senate Democratic Conference’s MWBE Task Force and I thank Leader Stewart-Cousins for the chance,” said Senator Dilan.
Senator Dilan was a member of Governor Cuomo’s 2014 MWBE Team that set out to eliminate barriers and expand MWBE participation in State contracting. The Governor tasked the team of elected officials, business and academic leaders, and members of the Governor's cabinet and administration, with a 30 percent MWBE utilization goal. It was the highest target in the nation for a state government.
By 2016, the MWBE utilization rate increased to 25 percent, accounting for $2 billion in State contracts.
Leader Stewart-Cousins has appointed Queens Senator James Sanders Jr. to lead the Task Force. Other members include Senators Bailey, Comrie, Kaminsky, Parker, Rivera, and Stavisky.