Helming Sworn-In As State Senator At Local Ceremony
Senator Helming
January 7, 2017
- Local Ceremony
At the Ontario County Courthouse today, Pamela Helming (R,C,I-54th Senate District) was officially sworn-in as Senator for the State’s 54th District. Helming, who served as Canandaigua Town Supervisor prior to her election as Senator, has pledged to represent and defend local values in Albany and ensure our state government works to better serve the needs of the Finger Lakes region. Helming is the first female to serve as State Senator for the 54th district.
“It was truly an honor to be sworn-in today in front of family, friends and residents of the 54th District,” said Helming. “Although I wish my parents were here to celebrate this important occasion, it was quite fitting, and somewhat emotional, to take my oath of office today, on my father's birthday. I know he and my mother would have been very proud.
“As my first legislative session gets underway, I’m ready to hit the ground running on behalf of our region,” she continued. “This means working on protecting our environment, particularly our freshwater bodies of water, delivering needed infrastructure funding and defending our shared values from the downstate interests that have worked to erode our rights over the years.
“In the days, weeks and months to come, I look forward to working with my colleagues in the Legislature and the residents of the District to make our communities even stronger for our families and small businesses,” Helming concluded.