Senator Pam Helming Votes in Favor of Ride-sharing Legislation
February 7, 2017
- Ridesharing

The New York State Senate passed legislation today that will bring ride-sharing services to Upstate communities and help improve local economies. Senator Pam Helming (R-54th District) voted in favor of the legislation (S4159), which provides the framework for ride-sharing companies to expand operations outside of New York City and enable new jobs to be created by offering more safe, reliable transportation options to the entire state.
“Access to ride-sharing services such as Uber and Lyft will greatly impact communities throughout Upstate New York, including the Finger Lakes and other rural areas, by providing them with a safe and cost-effective transportation alternative. This was certainly an important issue for people living in my district, and I am pleased that we are able to respond to their needs with the passage of this legislation,” said Senator Helming.
The Senate’s legislation cuts the Executive’s Budget proposal of 5.5 percent tax on rides to a 2 percent tax, and does not subject rides to the 4 percent state sales tax. It is important to note the new revenue created from this legislation will go directly towards infrastructure improvements for roads, bridges, and county transit needs.
The measure includes important protections for both drivers and consumers as part of the regulatory framework authorizing Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) like Uber and Lyft to operate in upstate communities. It requires criminal and driving history background checks, passenger notifications of driver information and trip charges, and the adoption of non-discrimination and zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policies. The bill creates a new TNC Accessibility Task Force to identify and address barriers to, and opportunities for, greater access for New Yorkers of all abilities. It also includes TNC drivers in workers’ compensation insurance offered through the existing Black Car Fund, among other provisions.
“Ride-sharing services can be utilized in a variety of ways and provide added convenience for riders utilizing its amenities,” added Helming. “Whether you need a ride to the airport, the bus station, a doctor’s appointment, school or even the grocery store, ride-sharing services can help you get from ‘Point A’ to ‘Point B’ safely and inexpensively.”
This legislation is supported by many statewide transportation agencies and advocates including Centro, Mother’s Against Drunk Driving and the Rochester Genesee Regional Transportation Authority. Its next step is delivery to the New York Assembly for its consideration.