Ritchie Calls for Rescoring of Flawed Regents Geometry Exam


State Senator Patty Ritchie is calling on the New York State Education Department to rescore a recent, flawed Regents Examination in Geometry, which reportedly contained questions where more than one of the multiple choice answers was acceptable and robbed students across the state of points needed to pass the exam.

The errors were brought to light when a Long Island student reportedly was reading through the exam in preparation to tutor other students.  When the student, Ben Catalfo of Setauket-East Setauket, contacted the New York State Education Department they acknowledged that several questions on the exam had more than one correct answer, yet said the tests would not be rescored.

Now, Senator Ritchie is calling on the New York State Education Department to rescore the exams and is encouraging people to sign a petition in support of fixing the error and awarding students the points they are entitled to.

“A faulty exam, such as this one, could have a significant impact on student success, potentially jeopardizing their chances of obtaining a Regents Diploma, graduating, obtaining employment or attending the college of their choice—in addition, an inaccurate exam could also reflect poorly on educators,” wrote Senator Ritchie in her letter to MaryEllen Elia, New York State Education Commissioner.

“Students and teachers across the state—including those I represent throughout Central and Northern New York—deserve better,” she added. “These correctable mistakes need to be addressed and not ignored out of hubris.  It is our job to work together to ensure that they receive a sound education that prepares them for the future.”

Those interested in signing Senator Ritchie’s petition can do so by clicking here, or can call her office at (315) 782-3418.  In addition, a copy of Senator Ritchie’s letter to Commissioner Elia can also be viewed by clicking on the PDF link at the top of this webpage.