Senator Rich Funke offered the following reaction to the agreement now in place for the 2017-18 New York State Budget:
“From bringing Uber and Lyft Upstate, to rejecting millions in proposed new taxes and fees, to investing in our schools, infrastructure, and economy, this agreement is a bipartisan compromise that delivers for our community while protecting its taxpayers,” said Funke. “Just days after legislators in both houses and both parties told the Governor to put presidential politics aside, we now have a fiscally-responsible, year-long budget agreement in place for taxpayers.”
On Upstate ridesharing, Funke said:
“As a cosponsor of the Senate solution that helped get it done, I’m proud we are bringing Uber and Lyft here once and for all. Ridesharing will mean more jobs, safer roads, and better options for our community and those like it across Upstate. Before, you could hail an Uber or Lyft in New York City, nearly every other state, and even in some developing nations. Soon you’ll be able to do so here and we’ll create a lot of direct and indirect jobs along the way.”
On taxes, Funke said:
“We deleted the Governor’s proposal to tax purchases through online marketplaces like Amazon, plus hundreds of millions in other new taxes and fees. The budget also rejects the Governor’s proposed cap on STAR so taxpayers receive every dollar they deserve, while ensuring those who now receive STAR checks will get them before school tax bills hit this year. More remains to be done, but this budget takes important steps to make New York more affordable for all of us.”
On local impacts, Funke said:
“The budget includes our Farm to Food Bank program to help farmers move fresh food to those in need, plus record support for local tourism, historic investment in Upstate roads, bridges and water infrastructure, and over $1 billion more to support public education and our schools.”
On college affordability, Funke said:
“The Governor will say he got his way with ‘free college’, but here’s the truth: we secured a common-sense solution that will make higher education more affordable, while protecting student choice and thousands of jobs at our local private colleges and universities. The final program reflects the Senate’s proposal to expand TAP awards and eligibility and put college within reach for even more students and families.”
On Raise the Age, Funke said:
“We fought the downstate politicians and won a compromise that keeps violent offenders off our streets, protects Family Court dockets, gives District Attorneys a voice in the process, and shields property taxpayers from shouldering the cost. I said from the beginning I was open to raising the age in principle, but we needed a balanced and responsible approach that puts public safety first – this plan will do that.”
On budget reform, Funke said:
“This agreement was late in large part because the Governor jammed divisive policy proposals in the budget process, a power currently afforded to him under state law. Earlier this year I introduced legislation to ban the Governor from putting policy in the budget moving forward. It’s time to make our state budget about dollars and cents again so we can focus on putting taxpayers first.”