Ortt Announces Capital Funds for City Market

Robert G. Ortt

December 19, 2017

Today, State Senator Rob Ortt (R,C,I,Ref-North Tonawanda) announced the obtaining of $50,000 in capital funds for the City of North Tonawanda. The funds were made available through the State and Municipal Facilities Program administered by the Dormitory Authority of New York, and will go toward the renovating of North Tonawanda’s city market.

“With this grant, the City of North Tonawanda will be able to make some much needed upgrades to the city market,” said Sen. Ortt. “As a native of North Tonawanda and former mayor, I know how much theses new improvements will mean to residents in the area. I am proud to have helped deliver these funds, and at the completion of these projects, we can all expect to see a safer and more vibrant city market."

Some of the improvements proposed for the new city market include LED lighting for improved visibility for the safety of vendors and attendees. New van-accessible handicap parking spaces along Market Street will be included in the market’s additions along with the rehabilitation of Bryant Street adjacent to the City Market.