Susan Serino

April 3, 2017

ALBANY, NY— Senator Sue Serino (R, C, I—Hyde Park) released the following statement after voting today to extend the current enacted budget until May of this year. 

“As a small business owner who negotiates for a living, there’s nothing I hate more than seeing a negotiation breakdown without a resolution, but at the end of the day, my job is to do what is best for our community.

“The budget that was being pushed put politics ahead of people, and simply did not deliver for our local area. Passing this extender strikes a balance that allows us to continue to stand up and fight for our constituents, without shutting government down.

“The budget process is critically flawed. The Legislature is given a budget created by the Governor and by law, we cannot change his language, nor can we increase funds for critically necessary programs and services without his express approval. With the state budget process that gives that kind of control directly to the Governor—and handicaps the legislature—our hands are tied by a process that is designed to fail. Our school districts and local communities shouldn’t have to pay the price when political games dominate the debate. New Yorkers deserve better. It is time to reform this broken system.

“The best way to protect vulnerable New Yorkers is to ensure that they have a functioning government to turn to. That’s why I will continue to fight for a fiscally responsible budget that works for our communities and our state—a budget that controls spending, cuts taxes, creates jobs, and increases affordability in our area.”
