Senator Murphy comments on Board of Regents' decision to reduce number of days for student testing
June 12, 2017

Albany, NY - Since arriving in Albany, Senator Terrence Murphy has been a staunch advocate for the dismantling of the common core curriculum. Last year the Board of Regents announced a timeline to implement a new, locally-drive curriculum by 2019. Today, the Board of Regents announced the reduction of days for testing from six to four.
State Senator Terrence Murphy made the following comments:
"Dismantling the failed common core curriculum and reducing high stakes testing have been a mission of mine since first being elected to the Senate in 2014. Today's announcement by the Board of Regents to reduce the number of days for testing is another important step in this process.
"Ultimately, we must return control of education to our local schools. As a parent of three kids, my wife and I have continued to opt our children out of the state's exams which have no bearing on their educational direction and only causes unneeded stress."
"With the new curriculum's deadline two years away, it is my goal to continue to work together to deliver the high quality education that will give every child the opportunity to succeed."