Senator Murphy comments on bogus budget process
April 5, 2017
- Budget
- albany dysfunction

ALBANY, NY – For ten straight days lawmakers have been feverishly trying to come to terms on a state budget for 2017-18. After spending yet another day waiting for final details to be agreed upon, and for bills to be handed down by Governor Cuomo, the New York State Senate adjourned until a concrete proposal is made available for final approval.
State Senator Terrence Murphy made the following comments:
“After a grueling ten day marathon filled with broken promises and backroom deals the dysfunction of Albany continues to reign over our Capitol. The budget is now more than five days late because instead of bringing people together the Governor continues to focus on a Washington style political agenda by attempting to force policy discussions into the budget where they do not belong.”
“New Yorkers deserve a state government focused on common sense policies that protect their families, help their businesses and give everyone the opportunity to succeed. I am disappointed that we have been unable to deliver my constituents an on-time budget, but I remain focused on achieving one that helps all New Yorkers and does not advance the political ambition of one individual at their expense.”