Senator Murphy: Get Heat Through HEAP
March 15, 2017
- heap

YORKTOWN, NY - Tuesday's blizzard served notice that spring's more balmy temperatures may be weeks away. With the big freeze still on, Senator Terrence Murphy would like to remind homeowners in the 40th Senate District that they can receive help paying their heating bills through the Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP). Eligible households are urged to apply by Friday, March 17.
Nearly 1.3 million eligible households statewide have already received help heating their homes this winter through the program. Households eligible for HEAP can receive one regular benefit per year, of up to $626, depending on income, household size and heating source.
"Tuesday's storm was a reminder that winter is far from over," Senator Murphy said. "The HEAP Program can take some of the bite out of the cost of staying warm. I encourage anyone who thinks they may be eligible and needs help paying their heating bills - or faces a heating emergency - to apply before Friday's deadline."
Assemblyman Kevin Byrne said, "The cost to heat your home can be a tremendous expense for families and seniors. The HEAP program is a great way for New Yorker's to get some financial relief. I encourage everyone who qualifies to apply."
HEAP is a federally funded program overseen by the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance. A family of four earning up to $53,076 annually, or $4,423 a month, qualifies for help. Anyone in New York can apply for HEAP in person or by mail at otda.ny.gov/programs/heap. Those who live outside of New York City can also apply for a regular HEAP benefit online at myBenefits.ny.gov.
Additionally, households may also qualify for an emergency HEAP benefit if they are at risk of getting their heat shut off or running out of fuel. Anyone in need of emergency assistance should contact their local department of social services. The deadline to apply for emergency assistance is Friday, March 31.
Last winter, 97,506 households in the Mid-Hudson region received heating assistance through HEAP. As of February 24th, 93,029 households have received help through HEAP this winter.