Senator Larkin Passes Legislation For Veterans

William Larkin

March 27, 2017

Senate bill S2387, sponsored by Senator William J. Larkin, Jr. (R-C, Cornwall-on-Hudson), passed the Senate earlier today by a unanimous vote.  This legislation allows qualified veterans to add veterans’ credits to civil service competitive examination scores at any point prior to the expiration of the eligible list, including those examinations for appointments and promotions to the state police.

Senator Larkin said, “Under current law, a member of the armed forces who served in time of war is entitled to additional credit on a competitive civil service examination. However, an individual who is not qualified for veterans’ credits at the time of the application, but becomes qualified for these credits during the life of the eligible list, cannot add these credits to their civil service examination score. This legislation seeks to correct this situation so that qualified veterans receive the credits they rightly deserve.”