Jacobs Announces Free Narcan Training Event
Senator Jacobs
January 12, 2018
(Buffalo, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (60th SD) announced a free Narcan Training event that is being hosted in his district on Thursday, January 25, 2018 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. at the Brighton Volunteer Fire Company, 31 Jamaica Road, Tonawanda, NY 14150.
Naloxone, or Narcan, is a medication that reverses the effects of opioids. It can stop a fatal overdose while giving additional time for emergency medical personnel to arrive. Jacobs, a Co-Chair of the State Senate’s Task Force on Heroin and Opioid Addiction, said education and treatment are critical elements of the fight against the heroin and opioid epidemic and these training sessions accomplish both.
“Participants in this training will learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of an opioid overdose, and then how to properly administer the aerosol version of Narcan to reverse a potentially deadly overdose,” said Senator Jacobs. “The more people we educate the more lives we save, with the goal of getting people longer-term treatment and recovery care.”
Along with Senator Jacobs, the event is also being sponsored by the Erie County Department of Health. Space is limited and anyone interested in attending is encouraged to contact Senator Jacobs’ office at 854-8705, or jacobs@nysenate.gov.