Jacobs Honors Sister Gail Glenn, SSJ, With New York State Women of Distinction

(Buffalo, NY) – New York State Senator Chris Jacobs (60th SD) announced lifelong Buffalo resident Sister Gail Glenn as the 2018 New York State Senate Women of Distinction honoree.  At a ceremony marking the announcement, Jacobs presented Glenn, a Sister of St. Joseph for 57 years, with a formal resolution and praised her for her lifetime of service to children and education. 

Established in 1998, the Women of Distinction program was created to recognize the historic contributions of New York women who exemplify personal excellence, courage, selflessness, integrity and perseverance, and serve as an example to all New Yorkers. 

“Sister Gail Glenn has spent the last 51 years as an educator in diocesan schools, including 46 years as principal at Catholic Academy of West Buffalo where she has touched the lives of countless Buffalo and Western New York children,” said Jacobs.  “Through those many years she has succeeded in creating a climate where all students feel safe and valued, and all teachers strive to help each student reach their full potential.  She is truly worthy of this great honor.”

Catholic Academy of West Buffalo, located in the heart of the 60th Senate District’s historic Delaware neighborhood, is celebrating 30 years of excellence in education this year.  Under Sister Gail’s leadership, the school continues to excel academically.  It was recently ranked by Buffalo Business First in the top 10 percent of all schools in the City of Buffalo. 

“Our school has always prided itself on our rigorous academic programs, wide variety of extracurricular activities, and our strong commitment to preparing our diverse student-body to grow inside and outside of the classroom,” said Sister Gail.   “Catholic education has been a part of my life since I was six years old and it has been a privilege to take what I have learned and been given and share it with our students.  I want to sincerely thank Senator Jacobs for this great honor,” Glenn added.

Jacobs, co-founder of the BISON Scholarship Fund, said Sister Gail was an invaluable supporter when the scholarship initiative for needy children was first getting started 25 years ago.  “Sister Gail has been a friend of mine and all involved with BISON since its inception.  I am honored to have the opportunity today to recognize one of the most selfless people I have ever known,” the Senator concluded.