Joint Statement from Senator Carlucci and Assemblymembers Zebrowski and Jaffee on Failed East Ramapo School Budget

Sen. Carlucci

June 20, 2018

Ramapo, NY – Senator David Carlucci (D-Rockland/Westchester), Assemblyman Kenneth Zebrowski (D-New City), and Assmeblywoman Ellen Jaffee (D-Suffern) released the following joint statement on the 2018-19 budget for the East Ramapo School District being voted down:

“It is deeply disappointing that the budget failed for the East Ramapo School District. As state legislators, we have been working very hard to turn this district around for the students and staff. This failed budget puts our progress in jeopardy. We will work with the parents, teachers and board members to do all that we can at the state level to prevent hardship for the students of this district.”