Statement From Senator David Carlucci On The Thousand Oaks Shooting In California
Senator David Carlucci
November 8, 2018
- Gun Control
"It’s another sad day in America due to the actions of someone with no regard for others’ lives. Twelve innocent people, including a sheriff’s sergeant, were shot and killed at a college bar in Thousand Oaks, California. My heartfelt condolences go out to victims' families. I simply cannot imagine the heartbreaking ordeal parents are going through as they try to locate their children, many using the find my iPhone feature and discovering their children's phones are still inside the bar. It's absolutely devestating. While the heroics by many who were college students are difficult to watch, their quick actions helped save lives. In New York we mourn with those in California, and our State Senate will not ignore common sense gun reforms. We cannot wait for tragedy to happen here."